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If You Want To Know Why You Should Start Meditating, Read This

When we say meditation, the average person thinks of sitting in the lotus position with their eyes closed ,deep thinking and mental wandering somewhere between reality and a dream.

Also, many people think that meditation requires some special skills. Of course, there are those people who think that meditation is useless, pointless practice of relaxation  and that they are too busy to spend their valuable time to sit idly.

The fact is that this kind of thinking discourages attempts of meditation, but you should change that attitude.

What exactly is meditation?

Meditation is not just sitting and daydreaming. It is much more than that. Meditation can help you to connect with your inner being. Yes, it really sounds like a cliche, but here’s the gist.

Our emotions, thoughts, and all that is inside us is expressed through our actions and our breathing. When you are happy and calm, your breathing is calm and relaxed . When you are angry or frightened and your breathing speeds up.

Well, what does meditation do? With the meditation, you focus on your breathing. In this way, you calm breath, reduce physical symptoms of anxiety and bring yourself into a physical peaceful state. Given that it is directed to thoughts, it is quite logical that they become calmer too.

So, you distance yourself from hasty outbursts of emotion and allow yourselves to look at your actions, arguments, sadness or fears with a cool head. Then you realize that your emotions and actions are part of you, but they are not you. You  control them -they do not control you.

You know those situations when you begin to breathe deeply in order to prevent yourself not to react stormy? Then, you tell yourself:  “Breathe deeply, stay calm!” It is a signal that your body asks for meditation.

Meditation is a way to detoxify the mind. There are many things outside that may affect our thoughts and our emotions. All this can cause a real mess in our thoughts.

Where is the chaos, there is no room for peace and joy. But if you take a little time for meditation, you will see what is a part of your inner state and what is imposed from the outside.

In other words, you will become aware of yourself. When  you are aware of yourself, your attitude towards many situations in life will change.

You will begin to strive toward a feeling of peace and happiness, rather than toward steadily chaos and restlessness.

Why you should change the attitude towards meditation?

Meditation is the development of yourself. That is never a waste of time. Admit it, how much time you spend daily in watching television or  at the computer, watching and reading content that will not enrich you in any way?

The excuse “I have no time for meditation” is a bad excuse. You do not need an eternity. You can start with just two minutes of mind detoxification.

Yes,  you should  take a few minutes of watching TV or get up 5 minutes earlier! Very soon you will notice that, with a cool head and better connect with yourself, you will be more focused, faster and more efficient in the conduct of daily tasks.

When you find out this, it will not be difficult to connect with your inner self for a longer time.

It is certain that you may initially find it difficult to sit still for half an hour and listen to your breathing. Do not be hard on yourself and do not expect too much. Go slowly.  Just try to meditate. Take the opportunity to get to know yourself better. Change your attitude. You’ll love it!

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