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Understanding Neo-Parenting And Child Obesity

We are all exhilarated – to say the least, when we welcome a new soul into this world. Be it our own, relative’s or friend’s we join in the merry making and get all this other cool names for ourselves like aunt, uncle, godfather and many others. Children are tender and prone to diseases which may affect their growth.

The best way to take care of a baby and protect them from disease is by feeding them. Food provides the baby with immunity from diseases and makes them healthy and strong.

However, many children especially in this era of pizza and burgers are suffering from child obesity. It is important to feed your child but also on the right kind of foods and also in the right portions. Who does not want to provide for their children and get love back from them? Everyone wants that, and in this endeavor some parents go overboard by giving in to everything the child wants. Learn to say no to them sometimes, it means their future happiness.

So, what is child obesity?

Child obesity just like in adults happens when a child consumes more calories than their body uses up.  The extra calories in form of fat are deposited in the child’s body parts like the around the liver and heart, in the chest, underarms, thighs, and belly. This causes the child to become overweight and unhealthy.

The health of the child is imperative to their well-being and growing up. Since children will usually take the behaviors they are taught at an early age. It is therefore, important to teach them how to be healthy earlier in life.

Symptoms of Child Obesity

You could be wondering if your child is suffering from child obesity. Here are some signs and symptoms you can look out for to tell if your child is obese. If they weigh more than most babies their age and height, they could be obese. Get the weight of your baby and also the height to get the BMI which will tell you if the baby is obese. The BMI is a ratio of your child’s height and weight and should not exceed 85th percentile for the child to be healthy. Also, check if the child has any difficulties breathing and walking. Child obesity also causes fat to deposit on the body making the child chubby. The boys may develop “man boobs”. These are breasts bigger than normal for a boy.

Getting Rid of Child Obesity

It can be a very difficult task to get rid of obesity in children mostly because you are making the choice for them. Some children might not understand why you ask them not to eat some foods or go play outside. Here are some tips for you to use to help your child lose obesity and stay healthy.

Have a talk with them – this is usually the first step in helping the child to lose weight. Explain to them the importance of staying healthy and the consequences of not being healthy. Children usually look up to adults and therefore they will want to live a healthy life just like you explain to them. Also, mention the changes that are going to help the child to stay healthy.

Show them love and support – do not neglect the child because of their weight problems. Always explain to them that they are loved and cared for regardless of the size and weight they are in now or in the future. Show them support by helping them whenever they need you to and do not give them nicknames. Nicknames make children think that is all they are.

Do not raise your voice at them if they have difficulties carrying out any activities you may want them engaged in. Be their pillar instead.

Change in diet – this is challenging because children develop a liking for certain unhealthy foods and drinks like sodas, pizzas, burgers, fries, and crisps. Make is a family affair in eating healthy rather than changing the diet just for the child only. Provide healthy options to satisfy the child’s cravings. Give the child low-calorie snacks and include more fruits and vegetables in their diet. Make a healthy eating plan and stick to it. Also to encourage the child let them have their favorite snack once in a while to show them that you appreciate their willingness to eating healthy. Involve them in choosing what to eat or cook at home when you go shopping.


You will not take your child to the gym to lose weight, but you will help them exercise by providing fun activities that work out their bodies. You may walk or jog with them around the neighborhood, go hiking and camping, biking, swimming and encourage them to join a sport in school if they are not in one for example soccer. Also, encourage them to take the stairs instead of using the escalator to the house. Such little exercises will help the child to burn a lot of calories because they are cardio exercises, meaning they work out a large group of muscles.

Too much TV?

Provide other play options for your child than just video games. Buy them outdoor toys like bikes, balls, ropes and building blocks. You may recycle old tires also and let them use those during play. Encourage them to play outside more. You could do this by joining them or allowing them to join a friend to play with.

You can also make chores part of playing.  Encourage your child to involve in washing dishes, washing and ironing their clothes, vacuuming the house and many other activities available around the home. This will not only make the responsible but also will help them to burn more fat.

Rearing healthy children does not only involve being proactive, but also making permanent changes that affect the whole family. Change the lifestyle and the child will fit into what you want. Be a good role model in leading a healthy lifestyle for your children.

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