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The Secret Of Your Good Mental Health – A Lion’s Mane

We all know that mental illnesses are hardly curable. The reason for this could be found in the slow regeneration of neurons. Did you know that nature offers a solution for these health problems? There is a fungus that can cope with the most severe mental and nervous diseases. A Lion’s Mane!

Do you want to save your memories and reasoning and have control over them?  Then you must read how a Lion’s Mane can help you in achieving that goal.

Awesome fungus with extraordinary effects

Lion’s Mane is a fungus that is specific by its properties, but also by the look. This fungus has not the typical appearance, with a hat and a handle. It grows in the form of elongated fringes. Such its look resembles on a lion’s mane, and it was an inspiration for its name.

It is believed that the Lion’s Mane is very beneficial to mental health. The secret lies in its ingredients: Hericenones and Erinacines. These compounds stimulate regeneration of neurons by stimulating the production of the nerve growth factor (NGF).

What is NGF? It is a protein responsible for the normal operation and maintenance of nerve cells. Lack of NFG is considered as the cause of many serious neurological diseases: Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis. This happens when  myelin blocks NFG from outside sources , and do not allow that it penetrates to the nerve cells. Myelin is the layer which is formed around nerves. The purpose of the myelin sheath is to enable efficient sending of impulses through the nerve cells. If the myelin is damaged, the impulses slow down. This can cause a variety of nervous and mental dysfunctions. Erinacines molecules are small enough to be able to break through this barrier. That is the secret how  Lion’s Mane slows and prevents the development of mental illness.

Nerve diseases  and Lion’s Mane

Lion’s mane is useful in the treatment and prevention of severe neurological diseases. Among them are the following:

Depression and mood swings. In addition to numerous triggers and stressful situations that can be causes of depression, one of the causes may be a change in brain’s chemistry. The molecules of the Lion’s Mane and its components are small and powerful enough to restore the chemical balance.

Multiple sclerosis is caused by the deterioration of myelin. This leads to slower transmission of impulses to the brain. That can have various consequences – poor vision, poor coordination or complete paralysis. Lion’s Mane can contribute to better transmissions of impulses, and ease the symptoms of this disease. It may not be a cure for this serious disease, but it can significantly facilitate the patient’s condition.

Alzheimer’s disease occurs due to the formation of beta- amyloid plaques around nerve cells. This leads to the death of nerve cells. The results are a poor memory, dementia, disorientation of patients. It is believed that the Lion’s Mane can prevent the formation of beta -amyloid plaques, so its consuming  is a prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mental illnesses are a heavy burden. Lion’s Mane cannot completely remove it, but it can be a good prevention. In addition to preventing and relieves the symptoms of serious illness, a Lion’s Mane can be your secret and natural weapon for a better mood. When you’re in a good mood and your health and immune system work better.

Do you know someone who has a problem with depression , poor memory or someone who is struggling with MS or Alzheimer’s? Then share this secret of nature with others. Lion’s Mane is an important ingredient in building a good substrate for the cultivation of good memories.

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