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Do You Know The Amish? Read Some Fun Amish Dating Facts

When most people think of the Amish, they picture horses and buggies, handmade furniture, and simple lifestyles with drab wardrobes. However, there is much more to an Amish person than these stereotypes.

In today’s world, there are multiple types of Amish people, just like there are multiple types of any other group. Some Amish people choose to adapt more modern technologies. It is not uncommon for an Amish person to use a phone or access the internet. Another growing trend in Amish culture is online dating.

Landscape Amish County

It may seem contrary to Amish beliefs to use the internet, especially for something like online dating. However, as time passes, cultures and communities inevitably adapt to new ways of life. The important thing to remember is that Amish people never allow technology to get in the way of their family or their faith.

Technology is used sparingly. You won’t often see an Amish person texting during dinner or playing games on an iPad. When it comes to Amish online dating, it is a means to finding love and strengthening the sense of faith and family. Like any other technology, online dating should not be used to access or for un-sanctified purposes.

Whether you are an Amish person interested in finding love online or just someone curious about Amish culture and how online dating could fit in, here are some things you need to know about this relatively new concept.

1. Is it sinful for an Amish person to use online dating?

No. Absolutely not. An Amish person may use online dating as long as he or she is using it for purposes that reflect the faith and values that are consistent with Amish beliefs. Online dating, like any other courtship, should be for the purpose of finding a life partner with whom to start a family that is rooted in faith and God’s love. The technology required for online dating should never get in the way of family or faith.

In this article it explains the basic Amish customers in general when Amish youth are practicing Rumspringa:

Prime activities include dating, socializing with peers, testing traditional Amish boundaries (for some youth), and deciding if they will join the church or leave the community.

2. Can an Amish person date a non-Amish person?

Generally, it is not appropriate for an Amish person to date a non-Amish person. It would be wrong for someone to use an online dating site to try to convert an Amish person away from his or her religion and beliefs. However, it may not be wrong for someone who is seriously interested in converting to Amish to use an online dating site to meet an Amish person. Ultimately, it will be up to the Amish individual to decide whether or not this relationship is appropriate. The main purpose of an Amish dating site is to bring Amish people together. That doesn’t mean that a non-Amish person can’t sign up, as long as he or she acts friendly and respectful and doesn’t have any wrongful intentions.

3. How do I optimize my Amish dating profile?

Having a good dating profile is as simple as letting people know who you are. Post a modest picture that shows everyone what you look like (yes, looks are important in the world of internet dating). In your profile, you should talk about your interests, what you are looking for, and what you value. Since not all Amish people agree on everything, don’t be afraid to express yourself, but make sure you are also being respectful of others.

4. How will I know if the person I meet online is a good life partner?

Finding a good life partner is something that only you and God can decide. If you believe in your heart that you are compatible with a person, then chances are that it will work out. You shouldn’t rush into a relationship though. Just because online dating is convenient doesn’t mean it is supposed to be fast. Let your love develop over time before you make a decision to become fully involved with each other.

5. Can I be involved with more than one person at a time online?

While you should never lead people on to believe a relationship is something that it’s not, there is nothing wrong with being friendly to multiple people on your Amish dating site. It’s important not to be involved romantically with more than one person, and you also want to make sure the other person doesn’t think that your friendship is more than it really is. Ultimately, your online relationships should never interfere with your family or faith, and they shouldn’t cause pain or grief in anyone involved. Some level of rejection is certainly bound to happen, but Amish online dating is always meant to be loving and respectful.

6. Is it okay to use online dating in a sexual way?

Amish values are typically pretty strict when it comes to sexual relations. Most Amish people will not be willing to have sex before marriage, and you certainly shouldn’t pressure anyone to go against this important belief. Sending naked photos and engaging in lewd conversations is contrary to Amish morals. Online dating should be about finding love and friendships, not about physical gratification.

7. My Amish community does not approve of online dating. Can I still use it?

The choice to engage in online dating ultimately rests with you. Of course, it is important to consider your family and faith before engaging in any online dating. If your family is opposed to the idea, then using online dating may not be the best thing for you. If your community or family does not approve, then talk to them about why they feel that way. Be sure to express the reasons why you want to begin online dating. If they hear where you are coming from, they may be more open to the idea.

8. Can I really find love on a website?

Online dating has led to thousands and thousands of successful relationships. As long as you are honest and have good intentions, there is an excellent chance that online dating will bring you the love you are seeking. Amish people are generally friendly and loving. When you find that special someone, you will get a great feeling and be able to live a happy life in faith and family.

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