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Jupiter And Venus Are Conjunct In Cancer, Same-Sex Marriage

Currently, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct, and around the 30th, they will be very close together in the sky. Jupiter is the planet of luck and good fortune and Venus the planet of Love, today “Love has won”.


Today there was good fortune (Jupiter) for the same-sex community (Venus Ray) as they won the right to get married and have a family (Cancer).

Jupiter and Venus are also transiting the sign of Cancer (Family), hence the court ruling occurring during the presence and ray sign of Cancer.

Let’s see what happens when Jupiter and Venus, still conjunct, enters Leo in August (Regal Presence).

The Fourteenth Amendment played heavily in this Ruling:

The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868 (Cancer, Family), as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

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Note the flag commonly associated with slavery seems to have fallen this week while the flag representing human rights for same-sex unions has risen.

As the good luck of Jupiter conjunct Venus (love) transit into Leo (Regal Sun) in August we might be able to expect a heated up debate and backlash (war) on this issue (as Mars and the Sun are now conjunct) or a stronger ratification of today’s ruling (through the power of Mars conjunct the Sun) as there is still great opposition to it. Probably both.

Rick Scarborough has said in regards to same-sex marriage:

“We are not going to bow, we are not going to bend, and if necessary we will burn (Sun/Mars/Leo)”

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And that’s only one example. Conservatives have opposed and will continue to oppose same-sex marriage so will the battle now heat up (in Leo) and will the Ruling take a hit or will Jupiter and Venus traveling in Regal Leo continue to give the same-sex movement it’s power?

We’ll have to wait and see, or leave your observations and comments below.

Update: Here’s an example of the backlash already starting. It looks like Regal Leo’s Sun conjunct Mars (war) is already spreading it’s energy.

That, and today (June 27, 2015) a woman (Venus) brazenly took down the flag in question from the SC State House. There seems to be a lot of rushing to and fro between these two energies. We’ll have to wait about a month to see how it all pans out.

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