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Giving Away Is The Key To Happiness

Giving has many advantages, especially for those who we give. But did you know that giving can have a positive effect on you too? The feeling that we have done something worthwhile and good for someone and helped, can significantly affect our mood, and some studies have shown that it can also affect our health.

4 benefits of giving away

If we give away more often, the feeling of satisfaction will be more present, and with it go in the package and number of other benefits. Here are a few reasons to begin to give away as soon as possible.

  1. The feeling of satisfaction is increased when we give. The same feeling you have when you enjoy something, whether is in question sex, ice cream or chocolate, occurs when we give. Research of doctors Jordan Grafman, neuroscientists, have shown that this statement may be true. In one study, he is using fMRI scanner measured blood flow in the brain during altruistic behavior and came to the conclusion that giving triggers the same part of the brain, as well as when we experience other sensory pleasures. So, not only that with giving you can help and contribute more to your society, but also your sense of satisfaction may be higher. In fact, giving away can very easily become one good habit.
  2. The feeling of happiness increases when we give. It is difficult to measure the feeling of happiness, and it is mainly based on our own estimates. One study at Harvard showed that students who give away more, feel happier. To one number of students were given a certain amount of money, which they could spend on themselves, or to give it to others. Students who have given all ,or the greater part of money, described their sense of happiness higher than those that spent money exclusively on themselves.
  3. Giving away prolongs life and reduces the mortality rate. The feeling of happiness and a sense of satisfaction are certainly a better alternative than the feeling of anxiety or stress. It is known that stress is the cause of many diseases that impairs the immune system, which is a defense mechanism of our body. Moreover, the reaction of the immune system may be such that it, instead to defend, begins to attack the body. Then occurs serious autoimmune diseases. Giving away can be a precaution for such severe medical conditions. 1999 at the University of California conducted a study among elderly persons, which showed that among individuals who participated in giving and charity, the mortality rate was reduced. Thus, the giving may prolong life – of the person to whom you give away , but yours too.
  4. The feeling of emotive connections between people also increases because of giving. When we give, our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that is an important link in the connection and closeness between people , which awakens in us a feeling of warmth and empathy.

How to awaken satisfaction for giving?

In order to giving aroused all these benefits, it is necessary to give away from the heart and to feel joy because of this act. It is not always easy, especially if you expect to see the results of your giving. If the feeling of pleasure because you have done something good does not occur until you see results, try to provoke it in the following way:

  • Give to people who seek and who need help. Take the help in Red Cross or a humanitarian organization is not the same feeling as to help to a specific person. When we see the face and name of the person , it is easier to develop empathy. In addition, see a smile on someone’s face is a reward. Admit it, is there anything more beautiful than a smile of your child when finds a gift under the Christmas tree? Give, and this award in the form of smiles and gratitude will appear more often.
  • Find the purpose of your donation. Get involved in a specific project, for example, for the purchase of equipment for the local hospital, or to build and create something of importance to society. This way you will be able to see and enjoy in the results of your charity.

Of course, to give away cause the benefits above, it should become part of your life. You will not achieve a constant feeling of pleasure if you give a huge sum of money at once, and then never turn into any project again. It is better to support multiple projects and to give more times per little. In this way, the giving will not be a waiver, but a real pleasure.

Non-material gifts are counted too!

Maybe someone reading this now thought that this text does not refer to it, because does not have enough for itself. However, the giving can become a habit and materially poor and the materially rich people. Money and material goods are not the only thing you can donate. So, what to give?

Give your undivided attention. How often have really given it away, and do you know what it means? Such kind of attention you can give to someone you love, you know, but also to a stranger with whom you make contact and, which will, most likely, because of that love you.Let your interlocutor feel like the center of the world. Carefully listen, ask questions, look into the eyes. Do not look for other topics and do not prepare in your head your version of the story. Listen and be interested really for what you hear. You might discover how many small lesson can offer us anyone, if we only listen carefully.

Give your time. Today life is conducted in the fast track, and there is less and less time that we can dedicate to some close people. However specify at least half an hour a day when you give your time to someone. Call your parents and ask them how they are, play with your child, talk to your old neighbor from the street. They say that time is money. However, this is something that has even someone who does not have money.

Give support and assistance. When you see that someone needs assistance, and that you can help, give it away. Do not wait for an invitation or request Help an old neighbor to purchase groceries, repair bike for your child, help a friend to find a job or a solution for another problem, support partner in achieving dreams. Be someone’s tailwind.

Regardless of age or financial status, giving away is kind of behavior that needs to be nurtured – because of other people,and for ourselves. Gratitude and smiles are priceless gifts, which awaken in us a sense of satisfaction and happiness. The more you give, the feeling of satisfaction will be proportionately higher. We can say that selfish impulse is what is actually hiding behind every altruism. However, that does not mean that we should resist. By giving you become a better person. It’s never too late to wake the man inside you, but it is best to wake him up today.



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