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10 Revolutions After Marriage That You Must Have Faced

Marriage  is a great decision and a first step toward the big changes in your life. Not all the changes will be apparent immediately. Some will be developed gradually, some you will like, others may not. Nobody expects that marital life remains unchanged. But did you know with which changes you really need to face? These 10 changes will certainly somehow become part of your life after marriage.

  1. Different addressing. Marriage may or may not lead to a change in the last name. However, when you begin to live with someone, it is very likely that you will replace the names with some relaxed terms  like “honey” or “dear”. Even if you continue with names, people around you will begin to address you as Mr. and Mrs.
  2. Changes in lifestyle. Marriage often involves a new address – a place that is better, bigger, customized for two instead of one. Messy bachelor life or quite girly lifestyle will be replaced with moderate variant that covers both taste. Privacy and time alone will often be a luxury.
  3. “We” replaces “me”. Many of the individual plans will change. Instead, you create the common goals and plans for the construction of marriage and family. “We” becomes a new way of looking at the world.
  4. The family is increasing. The result of the love of two people are children. Besides the children, the family becomes bigger for members of  partner’s family. When you are married, family responsibilities are doubled. Depending on how you match with your partner’s family, it can be twice as good or double trouble.
  5. The circle of old buddies decreases, almost proportional to the increase of the family circle. It can be difficult to fit all family meetings with time for your friends. Some of your friends may not like your partner. Some friends, who are not married, will not have understandings for your new responsibilities. Many real and quasi reasons will stand between you and your old friends.   However, here comes into play  “we” that had replaced “me”. You will gain new, common  friends.
  6. Limit of shame is thinner. When you begin to live with someone, you do not only share the same space, but also your habits. The boundaries between what is acceptable and unacceptable to do in front of another person became thinner. It will become quite normal to snore, relieve gasses or  burp in your partner’s presence.
  7. Sex is changing. You can be less active, because you know that you are available for each other every day. You can be more relaxed in sex and explore new pleasures, because, as we said, the limit of shame is thinner.
  8. You will develop new work habits. Being married means to take care of someone else, not only about yourself. Carefree living  will be replaced with the needs to cover the needs of others, to prepare lunch, clean house, repair broken parts. These habits become part of your everyday life.
  9. Changes in character. When all this is changed, you and your partner will change too. Over time, you will realize how much things you do not know about your partner – way in which is ready to adapt, manners in which reacts.  Likewise, you may realize how much you do not know yourself. You will try things you’ve never tried before. You might find that you are a great cook! Marriage is changing priorities and way of looking at things.
  10.  The acceptance and compromise are the compass of marriage. Sometimes you will give up your dreams for the sake of common goals. You will learn to live with a partner’s flaws, bad habits, to fight for the remote control or a minute of silence.

Marriage is like a carousel. No matter how your views are changed after marriage, a willingness to drive and to adjust to common life will allow you to maintain a balance in this vicious circle. Are you ready to buy a ticket?

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